Alcoy Fiestas

Moors and Christians Alcoy

The festivities of Moors and Christians, which honour the patron saint San Jorge, are celebrated in Alcoy during the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th of April;

The Moors and Christians fiesta in Alcoy is rooted in tradition, and commemorates the historical events of 1276. Music, pomp, and a burst of imagination take us back to the 13th century, to remember the Battle of Alcoy.

In 1276, different historical figures related to the various Muslim uprisings taking place in the region led to San Jorge being recognized as the patron of the festival, who is attributed with the intervention in a battle to defend the new population who were under attack by the Muslims. It was in this battle that the Muslim leader Al-Azraq is reputed to have been killed.

Three Kings and Christmas in Alcoy

The arrival of the Three Kings is the most waited appointment by children and girls along all the year round. A Tourist National Interest Festival and also declared Intangible Asset of Cultural Interest, it brings every year thousands of visitors to Alcoi so that they may live the excitement of this hundred year old Cavalcade. Its continued celebration dates to 1885, though his documentary precedents go back to 1866. It is undoubtedly, one of the most ancient Cavalcades of Three Kings of all those they are celebrated in Spain and probably, in the world.

Pilgrimage of the Virgen de los Lirios

Thousands of Alcoianos make the annual pilgrimage to Font Roja to honor one of the city’s patron saints, The Virgin of the Lillies.

This normally takes place on the third Sunday in September in the beautiful wooded area of Font Roja, and always has an atmosphere of friendship and celebration.

The pilgrimage commemorates the miracle that took place on August 21, 1653, when the image of the Virgin Mary appeared on the bulbs of wild lillies.


The arrival of the first full moon of spring decides the dates for the Easter week celebrations.

There are six different processions in the celebration of Easter, along with a further two community celebrations

The culmination of the religious celebrations is on Resurrection Sunday, which in Alcoi has special significance as it is the day on which two traditions meet. At dawn the procession “dels Xiulitets” or holy encounter takes place, and later on the same day the people of Alcoi celebrate the first act of the local fiestas, the Gloria’s day in the streets of the city.


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