Emergency Telephone Numbers Spain

The telephone number in Spain (and indeed throughout most of Europe) for General Emergencies including Police, Fire and Ambulance is 112. This number works from landlines and most mobile phones.


Spanish Police – Reporting a Crime

If you’ve been the victim of a crime, accident, or assault, you must report the incident to the Police. This is called making a denuncia and is required by law for all cases, ranging from bag snatching to more serious crimes and accidents. Denuncias can be made by phone in Spanish and English, by calling 902 102 112.


Police Telephone Numbers in Spain (Policía)

National Police (Policía Nacional) tel: 091
Local Police (policía local) tel: 092
Civil Guard (Guardia Civil) tel: 062


Fire Department Telephone Numbers (Bomberos) in Spain
The fire service in Spain is as fast and as efficient as most other European countries. For example, Madrid’s fire service promises to arrive at the scene of a fire in an urban zone in less than 10 minutes from the time they received the call.

In case of fire call 112, 080, or 085.


Pan-European emergency Telephone Numbers : 112

This is the general emergency number for any incident or emergency. The operator will put you in contact with the emergency service that you require. Calling 112 is free from any phone (mobile or fixed-line).

They have multilingual operators available, just ask for the service you require and explain your problem.


Other Useful Telephone Numbers

Mistreated Women (Mujeres Maltratadas) 016
Health Rapid Response Line (24 hour) Tel: 902 111 444
Social Help Centre (24 hour) Tel: 900 703 030
Drugs (Fundación de Ayuda contra la Drogadicción) Tel: 900 161 515
HIV/AIDS, Spanish Foundation (Fundación Anti-Sida) Tel: 900 111 000
Pregnancy Information (para la Embarazada) Tel: 913 941 589
Poison (Urgencias Toxicológicas, Servicio Permanente) Tel: 915 620 420
Red Cross (Cruz Roja) Tel: 902 222 292
Traffic Information (DGT) Tel: 900 123 505
Maritime/sea rescue (salvamento y seguridad marítimo) Tel: 900 202 202
Crisis line/Help line/Suicide calls (Teléfono de la Esperanza) Tel: 934 144 848
Cancer Information Line (Infocáncer) Tel: 900 100 036
Childrens Helpline Tel: 900 202 010
Telephone line problems Tel: 1002


Useful Spanish words to learn incase of an emergancy

Heart attack – ataque cardiaco
Car Accident – accidente de coche
Doctor – Medico
Accident – Accidente
Ambulance – Ambulancia
Emergency – Urgencia
Fire Brigade – Bomberos
Medical Centre – Centros Médicos
Chemist – Farmacia


HELP of Denia

A registered charity offering advice on health and welfare matters and the loan of equipment, nd assistance with language issues in Hopitals.
Benidorm 96 588 94 83 or 96 681 13 04
Branch Pres Joan Brunning 96 587 8282
Campello Chairman Sandra Clegg. 96 563 08 99 or 96 565 34 79
Denia Chairman Mavis Wilkinson. 96 642 14 34 or 96 642 47 57
Gandia /Oliva Equipment only Jeff Fenton 96 280 22 47
Jalon Valley Mobile 659 624 643
Javea 96 579 50 78
La Marina Christine Robinson. 96 679 65 61
Moraira 96 649 0399
Mar Menor Sheila Merritt 96 860 85 23
Torrevieja 96 570 42 82 or 96 671 87 44

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