Premier League Wins New Stream Blocking Injunction The High Court has issued a ‘blocking order’ that will cut off online streams for people who are illegally watching Premier League football matches. It comes after the Premier League was awarded a High Court blocking order for the forthcoming 2017-18 season. Dubbed the ‘biggest ever crackdown’ on […]
Kodi Security Risk Emerges After TVAddons Shutdown From : torrentfreak Three domains previously operated by defunct Kodi addons site TVAddons have been transferred to a law firm in Canada. Security implications cannot be ignored. According to a Kodi Pr…
Facebook has updated its Commerce Policy to include a ban on “products or items” that facilitate or encourage unauthorized access to digital media. The new rule has almost certainly been put in place to stop the further spread of “fully loaded” set-top devices running modified Kodi and similar software. Often given the broad title of […]
Kodi Addon Navi-X Ends After 10 Years NaviX, one of the oldest and most popular Kodi addons, is being shut down. For over 10 years, Navi-X, was the go-to addon on Kodi. NaviX will be discontinued due to legal fears, spam, and pollution with mislabeled …
Amazon is taking a tough stance against vendors who sell fully-loaded Kodi boxes through its platform. The store now explicitly bans media players that “promote” or “suggest” the facilitation of piracy. Sellers who violate this policy, of which there are still a few around, risk having their inventory destroyed. Streaming piracy is on the rise […]
High Court approves Premier League crackdown on Kodi streaming piracy Football fans who watch live matches for free via popular Kodi set-top boxes face a crackdown after the High Court approved a Premier League effort to shut down unlicensed streams online. Mr Justice Arnold approved an order for Britain’s top four broadband providers BT, Sky, […]
Five people have been arrested, accused of selling set-top boxes modified to stream subscription football matches, television channels and films for free. The sale of so-called “fully loaded Kodi boxes” has been called a “top priority” by the Federation Against Copyright Theft (Fact). The five traders were arrested in early morning raids. Fact said it […]
UK Police Arrest For Selling ‘Pirate’ Kodi Devices A man who sold devices containing piracy-enabled custom builds of Kodi has been arrested in the UK. The 32-year-old company director from Norfolk was detained by police last week. Set-top Android devices loaded with Kodi and third-party addons have become the next big thing. When configured in […]
Selling media players with pirate add-ons violates EU law, according to a recommendation from Advocate General Campos Sánchez-Bordona. He issued the advice in a landmark case over the legality of pre-loaded XBMC/Kodi devices, which are widely sold across Europe. Whether users of these players also liable depends on whether they know that the content is […]
Are Kodi TV Addons going to be a victim of their own success? Million of people use Kodi as their main source of entertainment, often with help from add-ons that allow them to access pirated movies and TV-shows. While these tools are a blessing for man…
Viewing figures for Sky Sports’ live Premier League matches have dropped by 19 per cent this season. Despite already having aired headline clashes such as the Manchester derby, Arsenal vs Liverpool and Chelsea vs Liverpool this season, Sky Sports has seen viewers drop by nearly a fifth on last season. The rise of illegal streaming […]
Trader in UK first to be prosecuted for selling Fully Loaded Android Kodi boxes. A trader selling boxes which allow viewers to watch copyright material for free is set to be the first in the UK to face prosecution. The trader, from Middlesborough, has …
Kodi Android TV Boxes / Free IPTV Streaming Kodi, formally known as XBMC, is software that acts like a media server. Kodi (XBMC), is available on Android boxes (sold by some as Brit TV boxes or Costa Smart TV boxes) …Continue reading →