Train Timetable For Gandia Train Station to Valencia Nord Train Station. Valencia to Gandia Train Stations. Train from Gandia to Valencia.

These are the train timetables (correct as at Dec 2011) to and from Gandia Train Station to Valencia Nord train station, with stops at Cullera, Xeraco, Tavernes Valdigna, and Grau De Gandia.

Trains depart from Gandia to Valencia every 20 minutes. Three times a day trains depart from “Grao de Gandia” (harbour).

Oliva does not have a train station, and so Gandia Train Station is the nearest train station to Oliva.

There is no train link from Gandia to Denia via Oliva. To do this you will have to go by bus.

Train Timetable from Gandia Train Station to Valencia North Station

Train Timetable from Gandia Train Station to Valencia North Station

Train Timetable from Valencia North Station to Gandia Train Station

Train Timetable from Valencia North Station to Gandia Train Station

Valencia Train Station

Other train stations on this line:

Valencia Nord Train Station
Alfafar Train Station
Massanassa Train Station
Catarroja Train Station
Silla Train Station
El Romaní Train Station
Sollana Train Station
Sueca Train Station
Cullera Train Station
Tavernes de la Valldigna Train Station
Xeraco Train Station
Gandia Train Station
Platja i Grau de Gandia Train Station

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