Fiestas in Gandia

The main fiestas in Gandia are:

The Fallas Fiesta (from March 16th to 19th) – probably the most important festival of the Valencian country takes place in March and is called Fallas. In Gandia this tradition is more than 115 years old. Big statues and structures made of wood, paper, etc. are constructed. On March 19 (San José) they are burnt. Las Fallas attract a lot of tourists from Spain and many other countries.

gandia fiestas fallas 2016 gandia fiestas fallas 2016 gandia fiestas fallas 2016

Map of the location of the Fallas in Gandia / Map of Gandia Fallas

You can download a map of the location of the fallas in Gandia, Valencia HERE.

Fallas Gandia 2023 Video

Fallas Gandia 2003 Video

Holy Week / Semana Santa : (March and April, is the week before Easter) – Between March and April Semana Santa, the Holy Week, takes place. During this week there are many processions of the different brotherhoods in the city. Some walk barefooted, pulling iron chains or lifting big and heavy wooden crosses during the processions. At the end of this week, Easter begins and thousands of families and young people go on excursions to the mountains and eat a traditional Easter cake.

Semana Santa de Gandía Solemne Procesion del Santo Entierro Good Friday Parade Video 2023

Semana Santa de Gandía Domingo de Resurreccion / Easter Sunday Parade Video 2023


Corpus Christi – usually Early June. The Catholic Church will celebrate the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, known as Corpus Christi. In the evening activities will take place with the traditional Eucharistic dances. They began with the Corpus Dances with an Arrayán bower and, later, the dances with the Giants of Gandia, the Dance of Sticks, the Dance of the Cabidos, the Dance de la Magrana, the Baile de las Vetas de Sueca, the Danzó de Gandia and the Moma.

Corpus Christi Gandía Video 2023

San Juan Night – June the 23 is the magic night of San Juan. Festivities takes place and everybody can bring firewood to the beach and burn his own fire with the family and friends. The night of San Juan is the shortest night of the year. Old rituals as jumping over the fire and waves of the sea can be made in order of getting good luck. On the night of 23 to 24 June at midnight, it is customary throughout the Valencian coast celebrate the night of San Juan. Thousands of people flock to the beach and light bonfires in the sand.

It is a tradition jump over the coals and the first 7 waves from the witching hour, to make a wish and turn a normal night into a totally magical and unforgettable night.

Great Gandia Fiesta Week – to celebrate St. Francesco from Borgia (from September 29th to October 3rd) – Feria y fiestas is the name of the big festival of Gandia city. (end of September – beginning of October). The festival takes place in honour of San Francisco de Borja, one of the most famous persons of the city. The festival starts when a man called “Tio de la porra” (the guy with the bat) goes to the schools and takes the children out to start the festivities. There are many activities to suit all ages. (Theatre, processions, music, fireworks, religious activities, sports, etc.).

The days before the Oct. 3 Fira i Festes de Gandia is celebrated in honor of the patron of the city, San Francisco de Borja.

The origin of the fair dates back to 1310, when Jaume II granted the city the privilege to hold an annual market.

this medieval market is currently recreates all the old town where you can find traditional activities and games, musical performances, theater and street entertainment for all audiences and all ages.

Moreover, all these activities are supported by the fair, located at the fairgrounds and where fun is guaranteed with the newest and most popular attractions that will delight young and old.

The main character of Fira i Festes is the Tio de la Porra, a character who parodies the French soldiers, which removes children from schools to the rhythm of the drums marking the beginning of the holidays.

gandia fiestas borja



Gandia Fiesta 2016
30 Sept to 3rd Oct
Markets, displays, band, marches, and fair etc

Programme Guide





Other Fiestas in the area of Gandia

Piles : Last week Mayo.Sant Felip Neri i S.Barbera.
Daimús : June. Sant Pere.
Palmera : June. . Crist de la Salut
L’Alqueria de la Comtessa : End of June. Sant Pere i Sant Pau.
Rafelcofer : July. Divine Aurora and Sant Antoni.
Oliva : July. Moors and Christians.
Real de Gandia : Agosto. Virgen del Rosario.
Xeraco : Agosto. Patron Saints.
Simat : Agosto. Sants of the Pedra and Cristo de la Fe.
Miramar : Agosto. Sant Andreu.
Benirredrà : Agosto. Sant Llorenc.
Xeresa : Agosto. Sant Rafel and Mare de Deu dels Dolors.
Lloc Nou : Agosto. Sant Jeroni.
Guardamar : Agosto. Mare de Deu of Llet.
Ador : Agosto. Patron Saints.
Barx : Agosto. Sant Miquel and Divina Pastora.
La Font d’en Carros : Agosto. Crist de l’Empar.
Palma de Gandia : Agosto. Sant Miquel.
Almoines : First week of September. Crist and Filles de Maria.
Potries : Agosto. Festivities.
Castellonet of Conquesta : Agosto. Sant Jaume Apòstol.
Almiserà : Agosto. St. Ursula.
Alfauir : End of August. Mare de Deu of Rosari.
Oliva : First week of September.
Tavernes : September. Crist of the Sang and Divina Aurora.
Rótova : September. Sant Bertomeu.
Beniarjó : September. Crist de l’Empar and Mare de Deu dels Dolors.
Bellreguard : September .Sant Crist of Miquel and Missericòrdia.
Villalonga : Third week of October. Festivities.


Gandia General Information
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Gandia Beaches / Gandia Port
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Gandia Campsites
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Gandia Clubs and Charities
Gandia Fiestas
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Gandia Hotels
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