Xativa Weather. Weather Forecasts for Xativa. Xativa Tourist Information

A selection of weather forecast for the Xativa area.

Here are some of the the latest weather forecasts for Xativa, a historical inland town in the province of Valencia, Spain.

Check out todays weather in Xativa and get a 10 day weather forecast for Xativa and for the nearby towns and villages. The weather in Xativa is mostly sunny and dry and the town experiences hot summers and mild winters with over 300 days of sunshine every year, some rainfall should be expected during the winter time.

The featured weather also applies for the nearby towns and villages of Canals, Ontinyent, La Llosa de Ranes, Moixent and Albaida. Xativa enjoys a temperate Mediterranean climate with extended hours of sunshine and very little rainfall.


Xativa General Information
Xativa Bed and Breakfast and Self Catering
Xativa Camping
Xativa Estate Agents
Xativa Fiestas
Xativa Football Club
Xativa History
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Xativa Map
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Xativa Sight Seeing and Museums
Xativa Tourist Information Offices
Xativa Travel
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Xativa Useful Telephone Numbers
Xativa Weather Forecast

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