Roman Kiln Oliva

C/ Santíssim, 15
Telephone : 96 285 46 28


On C/ Santísimo, nº 15, one of the clay kilns used by Roman potters in the 1st century A.D. remains in situ, a kiln where bottles, tiles and construction material typically used in rural towns in what is now La Safor was produced 2,000 years ago. Unearthed in 1988 during the excavation of the plot to build the Savoy cinema, it is part of an extensive network of Roman pottery workshops discovered from 1975 onwards in what is now the centre of Oliva.

Opening Hours:
Tuesday: 16´00 – 19´00 h
Wednesday: 10:00-h 13´30 h
Thursday: 16´00-19´00 h
Friday: 10:00 to 13:30 h

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